Baby Class(2歳からの未就園児クラス)
また、数え方、手先の作業、道具の手順、聞き取り、カテゴリー分けの方法、パターン認識、授業態度などを覚えて行きます。 少人数制のクラスです。
During their young years, children develop their first awareness of sounds in language (“phonological awareness”), but they also learn skills such as counting, fine motor control, coordination, listening, categorization, pattern recognition, behavior skills, and so on.
Kinder Class(幼稚園児クラス)
At Phenix English School, rather thanconcentrate on rules or textbooks, we believe children learn language most effectively when offered many different approaches. Our main emphasis is the constant exposure to native speakers. This, combined with games, field trips, songs, art, and celebration of holidays, encourages young children to enjoy school while becoming competent in a new language and culture. Since all five senses are being used, youngest learners develop multiple parts of the brain, not just the language centers.
Elementary Class(小学生クラス)
As students become older and more capable, we begin to teach more academic parts of the English language, such as grammar, vocabulary, conversation, and critical thinking, not losing the focus on making the learning fun. With regular attendance students will be able to use English with confidence, even allowing them to live comfortably in a foreign country
Education of returnee Children Class(帰国児童コミュニケーション維持クラス)
帰国子女が海外で身につけた語学力を保持・伸長していくことを目的に、楽しめる雰囲気と、読み・書き・会話を 中心とした授業内容を特色としています。
This class for Bilingual and Returnee Children is a fun and interactive level programme for children. This class will give your child a truly rewarding learning experience. These courses will improve your child’s understanding of the language and develop their skills at interacting in English.
メールでのお問い合わせはinfo@phenixenglishschool.com までお問い合わせ下さい。